Friday, January 14, 2011

Inventioneers Meeting with U.S. Secretary of Transportation LaHood a Wild Success!

Our trip to Washington DC this week was unbelievable! The meeting with U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood was an experience of a lifetime. He, along with the Deputy Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Ronald Medford, and Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Peter Appel, sat down with us at the U.S. DOT headquarters to talk about distracted driving, our SMARTwheel, and our Don't DUIT campaign (Don't DUIT now stands for Don't Drive Under the Influence of: Texting, Tweeting, Typing, Touchscreens, and Takeout). Their offers of support blew us away! Secretary LaHood even said that when our SMARTwheel is ready, he'll arrange to pilot test it with mass transit drivers!

Check out the link on Secretary LaHood's blog (click the headline or the logo):

Secretary LaHood's Tweet: